
Since the founding of the united states,more than 55 million immigrants from every continent have settled here.indeed,with the exception of native Americans, everyone in our nation is either an immigrant,or the involuntary immigrants.yet every ware of immigrants has faced fear and hostility from both ordinary citizen and  government especially during times of economic hardship,political turmoil or war.

Even though the bill of rights does not grant foreigners  a right of entry into the united states,it does prohibit discrimination based on race and national origin against citizens and non citizens alike.that is one reason why,in 1985 ,the American civil liberties union (ACLU) established a national immigrants ,rights project,which has become one of nations leading advocates for the rights of immigrant,refugees and non citizens.we recognize that our country,the all sovereign nations,has the right to control its is borders.but we also believe that the government should treat all people according to constitutional standards of fairne

Founded in 1987,the ACLU immigrant’s rights project is dedicated to expanding and enforcing the civil liberties and civil rights of non citizens and to combating public and private discrimination against immigrants.for more than twenty years,the IRP has been at the forefront of almost every major legal struggle on behalf of immigrants ‘right trough class action lawsuits,law reform litigation,judicial rulings and legal advocacy.



Upholding the rights of immigrants is important to us all.when the government has the power to deny legal rights and due process to one vulnerable group,everyone’s rights are at risk.non citizens are often the first and most vulnerable targets of government abuse .







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